Saltex Support

We are here to solve your problems.

Access the portal

If you need help with your project, create a ticket through our customer portal

Welcome to Saltex Group

Step by step to create your account

1. Create your account

To create an account, visit the link: and choose the “Sign up here” option to create your account.

2. Complete the form

Complete all required fields to create your account and access our platform.
This data is essential to provide you with a satisfactory experience through the Saltex group partner portal. Once you have completed the fields, click “Add User”.

3. Validate email

After registering, you will receive an activation email. You just need to click “Activate Account” to complete the process. Upon activating your account, you will be redirected to a page where you will receive a warm welcome to the Saltex Group Partner Portal, accompanied by the message “Your account is active!”

4. Sign in

When you log in, please enter your access credentials, such as your email address and password. Then, click the “access” button to enter your account.


How to use our portal

1. Edit profile

When you access “My Account”, you will find your profile information. In this section, you will be able to make edits to the data provided and change your profile picture. To make these changes, you will be asked to confirm your password. Once this is done, simply click “Edit User” to finish the process.

2. Create tickets

To create a ticket, select the option in the left panel and click.

You will have the possibility to select the priority (Normal or Urgent), specify the source (Web, Telephone, Email or Other) and choose the department. You can also indicate the type of problem (hardware or software), add a subject, and provide a brief description of the problem. Additionally, you have the option to attach photos that provide additional information. Once you have completed these steps, click “Add” to conclude the process.

Then, you will be able to view the information of the ticket you created, the ticket number, status and expiration date, as well as the technician who was assigned that task to perform.

Once solved, the technician will ask you to sign the ticket as confirmation that the problem has been resolved and thus be able to close the task. This ensures a clear and documented record of the process.

3. Analytics Dashboard

To access the analytics panel, click the option in the left panel. In this section, you will be able to view your entries by month on a graph, check which entries are open, and determine if there are any delays. Then, you can review the distribution of tasks, including new and completed ones. You will also find a graph that represents the distribution of entries, showing new ones, overdue ones, and closed ones.

4. My account

When accessing the platform at the top, you will find the following elements: “My Account” to access your profile and a notification bell where you can review system notifications.